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Women in leadership

Utworzona: 2022-03-28

Zapraszamy na bezpłatny, międzynarodowy webinar, zorganizowany przez Beatę Trochymiak, autorkę i organizatorkę Forum Kobiet w Logistyce, redaktor naczelną, który odbędzie się 7 kwietnia br.

Obecnie stoimy w obliczu największych wyzwań niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej - światowego kryzysu gospodarczego i wojny w Ukrainie, w Europie. Dzisiaj świat, jak nigdy dotąd, potrzebuje kompetencji kobiet, ich solidarności i przywództwa! Naszym celem jest pokazanie ścieżek i rozpoczęcie debaty publicznej jak wzmocnić przywództwo kobiet w branży logistycznej oraz jak razem - kobiety i mężczyźni mogą tworzyć przywództwo w nowej rzeczywistości, wzmacniając siebie nawzajem.

To ważna dyskusja! Nie może Ciebie w niej zabraknąć! Przekaż to zaproszenie do swoich koleżanek i kolegów z innych krajów i oddziałów Twojej firmy na świecie!

Why female leadership and global cooperation?

Now, we are facing the greatest challenges than ever before – the world economic crisis and the war in Ukraine, in Europe. The logistics sector has its own significant role in the situation – to maintain supply chains. In this picture we can also see the crisis of leadership - Women’s Leadership. The number of women leaders during the last two years dramatically decreased in every country and in every sector, also in logistics. The world needs women’s competence, solidarity and leadership of women. It needs it as never before.

What is our goal?

At this moment we should do everything to strengthen women’s leadership. The leadership which is based on empathy, strong roots in the community, bold ideas and courage. So, we hope that our webinar will be one of the important steps to start a global public debate on how to reinforce women’s leadership in the logistics sector, how to start cooperation in this field and how women and men can empower each other.

Webinar’s agenda

Date and place: 7th April, 2022, online (Zoom platform)

Time and language: 12.30 pm – 3 pm (UTC+01:00 Warsaw), English

• New leadership priorities in business – why do we need it?
prof. Danuta Kisperska-Moroń, University of Economics in Katowice

• When women lead… - the greatest practices of the logistics sector
Dagmara Głowacka, CHRO North&East Europe, DB Schenker

• It’s time for transformation - how to increase women’s influence and their impact?
Małgorzata Kulis, Managing Director, Volvo Trucks Poland

• Working together – what women and men can do together to create change in logistics?
Sue Terpilowski, CILT UK – Women in Logistics

• Discussion

Beata Trochymiak, Women in Logistics Forum

Beata Trochymiak, the author and organizer of the Women in Logistics Forum in cooperation with the Polish Logistics Association

Partner: Volvo Trucks Poland

Participation: access free!
We invite leaders, managers and specialists from the logistics sector – women and men, from all over the world.

If you want to join us, please: register today

Registration for a webinar 📌

All information about the webinar you can find here:

Women in Logistics International Webinar 📌

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Photo by Josh Hild from Pexels